Sendcloud x Itsperfect integration
Connect Itsperfect to Sendcloud to choose your favorite carrier and take advantage of the benefits that this shipping platform achieves for large numbers.
With our integration with Sendcloud you can easily generate B2B and B2C shipping labels, activate shipping labels in Itsperfect’s Point of Sale (POS) to ship items from the store, and connect to our integrated logistics solutions such as scan outbound and the Warehouse Management solution (WMS)

What you can do with this connection
Generate shipping labels for multiple carriers
Define carrier by customer type (B2B and B2C)
Track & Trace
Share Track & Trace with the customer for B2B and B2C orders
Determine a carrier at country level
Fast integration to work with multiple carriers
Determine the carrier based on the number of pieces
Activate shipping labels in POS
Activate shipping labels in Itsperfect’s Point of Sale (POS) to ship items from the store.
Connect to our WMS solution
Connect to Itsperfect’s integrated logistics solutions such as scan outbound and the Warehouse Management solution (WMS).
This integration is developed by Itsperfect
Please contact us on +31 85 016 0175 or for more information about this integration.
Already an Itsperfect user? You can find the integration with Sendcloud in our App Store or contact our support team for more information.