
Itsperfect launches version 4.0, a future-proof foundation for fashion brands

We are proud to launch version 4.0, our most exciting update yet, that lays a completely new technical foundation for a future-proof ERP system.

We started Itsperfect in 2013 with the ambition of developing a software system to handle all challenges fashion brands face when managing their core processes. Build from scratch with the aim to create the most advanced and user friendly ERP system for fashion brands.

The past years we have invested heavily in innovation, with the continuous drive to make Itsperfect smarter, faster and more inventive than any other fashion ERP system on the market. With integrated modules for every process, from PLM and WMS, to sustainability, samples, the B2B portal and our own retail module. And out-of-the-box integrations with the most commonly used accounting packages, logistics service providers, and e-commerce parties. Everything to offer one complete ERP solution with which brands, from start-up to very large and experienced, can continue to grow.

Today, almost 10 years later, more than 400 international brands work with our software every day. And, partly thanks to the great feedback and trust from all our users, our solution has become one of the most complete and advanced ERP systems for fashion. Ready for the next step, the launch of version 4.0.

Version 4.0, fresh design and future-proof foundation

The fresh design is the first thing that catches the eye, completely in line with our new branding. With a renewed User Interface, improved User Experience, but still with the familiar layout. And that’s just the front-end, because technically the foundation has been developed from scratch. A stable and reliable basis for rapid development. To ensure we are able to better respond to the needs of our users and market developments in the coming years. And continue to provide the innovation that enables brands to take their next step.

Curious about Itsperfect 4.0? Simply request a demo and view the new version online yourself.


Discover how our customers are ahead of the curve with Itsperfect and learn more about our newest feature additions.


Seamless returns and exchange processes with Itsperfect’s in-house developed Return & exchange portal


Introducing our Digital Product Passport (DPP)


Itsperfect launches its own Return & Exchange portal: Efficient returns management for fashion brands

Fashion processes

Discover how our software supports all key processes of the fashion wholesale industry

Platform Feature Overview

View core functionality, standard features and all integrated additional modules

Business Outcomes

Understand how the Itsperfect platform features support your business outcomes


Seamlessly connect your brand with finance, logistics and e-commerce partners with our out-of-the-box integrations

How We Work

Explore the Itsperfect implementation process to ensure a quick and easy go-live

Fashion ERP Software

Discover our complete solution and see what we have to offer modern fashion brands


Updates, articles, and helpful tips & tricks from the fashion ERP world

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Client Case Studies

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